National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE)
Singapore’s first National Centre of Excellence for Workplace Learning (NACE) Led by Nanyang Polytechnic, was launched in 2018 by Minister Mr Ong Ye Kung at CHARLES & KEITH GROUP.
NACE aims to help local organisations retain and build competencies through workplace learning to support business growth and strategies.

When employees are able to apply deep skills, organisations are in a better position to respond to a rapidly-changing environment. NACE helps organisations address challenges systematically and build the strengths within the organisations so that they emerge stronger.
Organisations can identify the skills that are lacking, and the jobs that need to be redesigned. With coherent processes in place, capabilities and skills can be practised and honed at the workplace, supporting an organisation’s growth in competencies and competitiveness.
Employers get to retain their skilled personnel because their employees experience job satisfaction. Businesses become ‘fail-proof’, and employees get to safeguard their jobs
With domain expertise adapting Swiss and German methodologies, NACE can support organisations’ adoption of best-in-class practices for workplace learning. Services from NACE include training programmes and consultancy services in workplace learning.
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